arcaplex Horizon
Arcaplex Horizon is a simple device for concentrating PRI, BRI and PSTN traffic onto a single PRI line to the central office.
Arcaplex Horizon is a modular device which allows you to select the interface types best suited to your application.
Reduce your network costs, why rent many expensive BRI lines when a single Primary rate ISDN (PRI) line offers lower rental and installation costs per channel. In most countries it is possible to have a part-enabled PRI interface which will only incur rental charges for the number of channels required.
Why start adding more BRI lines to your network when a PRI or part-enabled PRI line will give you additional growth potential with lower cost per channel than adding more costly BRI lines.
Save on your line rental and at the same time build your telephone network for the future. Once a part-enabled PRI line is installed you can upgrade your system by adding additional channels to the PRI line without the need for time consuming installation of BRI lines.
- Features
- Specification
- Configuration
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arcaplex Horizon Features
ISDN Multiplexer proven to be robust and reliable worldwide
- Breaks a primary rate line into multiple basic rate ISDN or POTS lines
- Economical way to provide BRI and POTS connections when a PRI is available
- Primary rate switchable E1/T1
- S or U BRI interfaces
- Downstream sub-equipped PRI
- Up to 8 terminals per basic rate line
- POTS interfaces provide -48V feed and ringing
- Protocols supported - ETSI, National-ISDN
- Ethernet interface for remote access
- Modem option for remote access
- SNMP for remote access
- 16 and 8 BRI versions available
- 32 and 16 POTS versions available
- 8 BRI and 16 POTS version available
- Mains and -48Vdc versions available
Arcaplex Horizon Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer is a standalone unit that breaks a primary rate ISDN line (E1 or T1) and into multiple basic rate ISDN lines (S or U), analogue lines, and a sub-equipped primary rate ISDN line.
Each basic rate interface uses two B channels of the primary rate line. Hence an E1 PRI (30 B channels) allows up to 15 BRIs using 2 B channels and a T1 PRI (23 B channels) allows up to 11 BRIs using 2 B channels. Once the BRI channels are enabled the remaining available B channels on the PRI are provided on a downstream sub-equipped PRI for PBX or other use.
The analogue interfaces work independently of the BRIs and a single PRI B channel is used for each analogue interface enabled. The analogue interfaces work like regular Telco lines and provide -48-V feeding, ringing, and CLI functionality.
Each BRI can support up to eight terminals. The data links are handled locally and point-to-point and point-to-multipoint links are selectable. Calls are mapped from the PRI to BRI/analogue interfaces using an MSN numbering scheme.
Arcaplex Horizon is configured using a V24 interface connection to a PC. Using this connection all of the functions are controlled. Alternatively, the unit can be accessed via Telnet across a LAN or WAN using the built in ethernet port. An internal modem option is also available for management.
Converting PRI to BRI or ANALOG
Video conferencing equipment frequently requires BRI lines for operation. In many cases with the only communications available in a large building being PRI lines the Arcaplex Horizon offers the opportunity to ‘tap off’ some BRI lines from a PRI line coming into a building for use in this type of equipment and allow the remainder of the channels to be fed out again to a PBX upstream.
Likewise if there is a requirment to have analog lines available it is possible to convert - split these out when only a PRI line is available.
- 40V
- 1W Normal and Restricted on S
- 88V
- 3.3W Normal and Sealing on U
- S or U - up to 16
- MSN or B channel routing; Multi Line Hunt Group
- -48V line feed
- Up to 32
- CRC-4 multi frame/basic frame T1 B825
- National-ISDN
- (0,8 or 16) BRI ISDN RJ-45
- (0, 16 or 32) POTS RJ11
- (2) PRI ISDN RJ-45
- (1) RS-232/V.24, DB25F
- (1) Ethernet RJ45
- (1) Internal Modem RJ11
- 0-50°C, 10-80% Humidity (Non Condensing)
- 10BaseT
- (2) LEDs per port: Physical, B channel
- 110-240 VAC
- 90W (mains version) -36V to -72Vdc
- 90W (-48Vdc version)
- 5 Kg
- 9cm x 49cm x 40cm (19" rack including handles)
- 9cm x 35cm x 44cm (19" rack excluding handles)
- 12cm x 48cm x 38cm (desktop)
- Arcaplex Horizon is supplied with one year's product warranty
Configurations available Basic rate interfaces (BRI) and analogue (POTS) interfaces are provided by line cards. Up to 2 line cards can be fitted to the Arcaplex Horizon. There are 2 BRI line cards - a card with 8 S0 interfaces (I.430 compatible) and a card with 8 U interfaces (ANSI T1.601 compatible). The POTS card has 16 interfaces. The Primary rate interfaces (PRI) can be configured as S2m interfaces (i.e. E.1 G.703 compatible) or T.1 interfaces.
The following configurations are available on Arcaplex Horizon
Arcaplex Horizon with Analogue may be supplied with RJ11 - BT master socket adaptors if required. Arcaplex Horizon is supplied in 19" rack case with mains PSU and no modem.
- Arcaplex Horizon may be ordered in 19" rack or desktop case
- Arcaplex Horizon may be ordered with mains or -48Vdc power supply
- Arcaplex Horizon may be ordered with or without a modem
Price and availability of Arcaplex Horizon can be requested by contacting the arcatech sales team.
arcaplex Horizon datasheet.
arcaplex Horizon ISDN Multiplexer Presentation.