The new Qualiy of Experience (QoE) Test for Telecommunication Operators i.e. ETSI TS 186 025-2 standard has now been released. The test focuses on the Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking - TISPAN.
The standard calls for a multi-part deliverable which consists of four parts.
- “Core Concepts”
- “Subsystem Configurations and Benchmarks”
- “Traffic Sets and Traffic Profiles”
- “Reference Load network quality parameters”
The Emutel™ Harmony is a Bulk Call Generator and network simulator offering a comprehensive solution to the Telecoms Test Engineer who needs the flexability to design his own scripts which simulate specific test scenarios.
Prewritten script packages can be purchased to reduce roll in time to testing.
The Emutel™ Harmony provides the following key features to provide the ultimate solution to testing the new ETSI TS 186 025-2 Standard
- Prewritten Script package to meet the use cases specified in ETSI TS 168 025-2
- Expandability up to 128 line cards which enables future expansion to match growing networks
- Predesigned reports as per the requirements of ETSI TS 186 025-2
ETSI standard TS 186 025-2 has identified the framework for defining and executing an IMS/PES performance benchmark and specifies a benchmark test, which may be implemented and performed as-is, or which may serve as an example for future benchmark tests developed by a service provider or SuT implementor. As experience with deployed IMS/PES systems and with this benchmark is developed, additional benchmark tests will be added to future releases of this standard.